
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless

Migraine 2018-02-02T05:06:05+00:00

Project Description


Homeopathic philosophy does not favour the use of temporary painkillers or short cuts for treatment of migraine or for that matter any disease.

  • Homeopathy tries to go deep down into the cause of the problem and completely eradicate the tendency of a patient to have these migraine headaches now and then.

  • That is why it takes some time for the medicines to show results.

  • They do not have a short term or temporary effect like the allopathic painkillers.

  • On the contrary, homeopathic medicines have long term effects and work to completely cure the migraine problem.

  • After a couple of months of homeopathic treatment for migraine headaches, patients are pleasantly surprised to experience a completely pain free or headache free life.

  • This is the beauty of Homeopathy

  • A homoeopathic constitutional treatment will give you a permanent cure naturally

  • You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects.


Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00
Saturday 9:00 – 5:00
Sunday 11:00 – 4:00





“Dr Himani was very empathetic and knowledgeable in Homeopathy treatment.And of course she does a good job and so professional. I was pretty new to Homeopathy treatment however I got treated well and got cured. Thank you Dr Himani!”

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For Consultation, Whatsapp -91-8489648532